Wills and Estates

The lawyers at Kelly & Co. recognize the importance of planning for the future. If you don't have a will, the law will make one for you and your property may not end up where you would otherwise direct. At Kelly & Co. we aim to make your future estate planning issues simple and easy.
- Drafting wills and powers of attorney
- Drafting trusts
- Executor duties
- Estate administration
- Passing of accounts
A trust is a complex vehicle that can be created as part of your wealth management, tax planning, estate planning, or family planning (including income splitting) strategy, among other things. Trusts can deal with income, capital, payments to infant beneficiaries or real property. There are many advantages and disadvantages to establishing a trust. If you would like to schedule an appointment to see if a trust is right for you, please contact us to make an appointment.
Many people would like some element of control over their assets after they pass. Having a properly-drafted will can help ensure that your assets are placed in the right hands with the least amount of dissention among beneficiaries. Wills can deal with any property that you own or in which you have an interest, whether money, physical property, a business or intellectual property. The lawyers and Kelly & Co. would be happy to meet you and discuss what your will should look like. Please contact us in order to make an appointment.
Estate litigation is the last thing that anyone wants at an already difficult time; however, some estate litigation issues cannot be avoided. Undue influence, Family Law Act claims and executors acting outside the scope of their authority are just some of the things that can lead to unpleasant court action. Sometimes these issues can be resolved amicably - but when they can not, the lawyers at Kelly & Co. have the know-how to minimize their impact on you. Please contact us in order to make an appointment at Kelly & Co.